In 2010, when I was in Portugal, I discovered the
facts concerning the Marian apparitions in San Sebastian de Garabandal (Spain)
that happened in the sixties. As in Fatima, Mary had chosen appears to children
in a simple village: Conchita González, Mari Loli, Jacinta and Mari Cruz
González. Catholicism crossed then a time out of the ordinary: John XXIII had
convened the council would receive the name of Vatican II. The council issues
seemed to indicate Catholics times of renewal and optimism. But in San Sebastian
de Garabandal, the message of the Blessed Virgin served as a sobering
counterpoint to the optimism of the theologians.
sacrifices must be made. Much penance must be done. We must be very good. If we
do not do this, punishment awaits us. Already the cup is filling, and if we do
not change we shall be punished,
Mary said to the visionaries of Garabandal.
Our Lady warnings were intrinsically connected to
previous appearances occurred in La Salette, Lourdes and Fatima. Humanity
trailed too dangerous path, and the future seemed threatened. In the
expressions of La Salette, the Mother of the Savior showed up especially
concerned about the fate of the Church, and using quite accusatory terms called
the priests of "cesspools of impurity". Since La Salette, a century
almost passed until the Marian apparitions happen in Spain, and in spite of
previous warnings, Our Lady warned Catholics again:
Many Cardinals, many Bishops and many
Priests are on the road to perdition and with them they are bringing many souls.
The Holy Eucharist is being given less importance (honor). We must avoid God's
anger with us by our efforts at amendment. If we beg pardon with sincerity of
soul, He will forgive us. I, your Mother, through the intercession of St.
Michael the Archangel, want to tell you to amend your lives. You are already
receiving one of the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your
condemnation. Ask sincerely and we will give to you. You should make more
sacrifices. Think of the Passion of Jesus.
Still living in Portugal, it occurred to me the
opportunity to witness on television the Pope Benedict XVI in his official
visit to England. At the time, many criticized the high spending of the British
government with the reception of the Supreme Pontiff. Joseph Ratzinger, a
skilled theologian, was considered too traditional by the press and also by the
modernists of Catholicism. Under his responsibility was a Church rocked by
pedophilia scandals caused by priests. Many people accused him to have fallen
silent on the shameful cases when he held the position of cardinal responsible
for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith during John Paul II's
pontificate. Few people, however, recalled that during the time of his own
pontificate, Benedict XVI departed almost 400 priests due to scandals,
undertaking an unprecedented cleaning.
Another fact was obscured: the deplorable state of the
Catholic clergy had been the subject of numerous warnings of Our Lady during
the recent centuries.
In 2010 the Brazilian people witnessed the
presidential election. The minister of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
(Dilma Rousseff) competed against Jose Serra of the PSDB, in an election in
which pro-abortion positions Dilma Rousseff dominated discussions between
militants over the internet. The national and international news defined
Brazilian democracy as a success. Taking a contrary position, the philosopher
and writer Olavo de Carvalho questioned the democratic character of an election
largely dominated by the ideological agenda of the left parties.
In an interview with Jornal de Brasilia (31 January
2010), Olavo de Carvalho said:
What is the problem of being conservative? It's
forbidden? I do not understand why the conservatives are prohibited while at
the same time democratic pluralism is defended. In all countries, there are
liberals and conservatives ... Brazil does not have a conservative party for a
long time. In the last presidential elections, the speeches of all candidates
were similar.
The philosopher presented to the public the criminal
relations between the PT and the MIR terrorists and FARC's. According to
Carvalho, President Lula and numerous political allies - including Fidel
Castro, dictator of Cuba - dedicated to spread socialism in Latin America under
the command of an international organization known as the Sao Paulo Forum. The
purpose of the Forum's members was simply to regain, in the South American
continent, what socialism had lost in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall
and the Soviet Union. Indeed, in record time, parties affiliated to the Forum
of Sao Paulo assumed the presidency of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Venezuela,
Bolivia, Uruguay and Ecuador. Socialism became the flag of regimes whose
authoritarian characteristics were more evident every day.
Even with the exposure of his pro-abortion attitude,
Dilma Rousseff was elected in 2010. The debate on the subject, however, showed
a burning religious dispute in Brazil. Catholic bishops and priests in
temporary communion with various evangelical pastors denounced anti-Christian
agenda of PT, while supporters of Marxist theologies tried to defend the
candidacy of Rousseff. Surprised by the participation of religious throughout
the election, the press criticized what seemed an attack on secularity of the
state, and several members of the Catholic hierarchy were persecuted. Having
returned from his trip to England, and then receiving a delegation of Brazilian
bishops, Pope Benedict XVI reminded Catholics that the clergy had not only the
right but also the duty to politically clarify the laity in such matters. This
participation of the Pope did not become a determining factor in the outcome of
the Brazilian elections, however, it marked a position of the pontiff, despite
the victory of Dilma Rousseff.
All these events naturally evoked the Marian
apparitions. Because it was undeniable that we were watching the full
accomplishment of the message that Our Lady has offered to mankind during his
appearances at Fatima:
To prevent this, I shall come to ask for
the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of
reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be
converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors
throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good
will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations
will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy
Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period
of peace will be granted to the world.
One of the trips made in Portugal was the visit to the
shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, Mary had come to meet another
chapter of his mission. She referred then to Russia that, months later,
suffered the terrible turmoil of a communist revolution. Maria indicated the
enemy to be faced: communism. However, the request of the Virgin Mary was not
immediately answered, and so the communist ideology has spread, partly dominating
the European continent, and having also conquered parts of Asia and even in
America, perpetrated a bloody persecution of Christianity. It is estimated
that, overall, the socialist regimes murdered more than 100 million individuals
worldwide. Therefore, messages of Our Lady of Fatima contained the truth. In
the transition of the eighties to the nineties, with the collapse of the Soviet
bloc, it was believed that communism was over. Many supposed experts said the
capitalist West had won, except, of course, rare lucid minds that having
considered the matter carefully said something different: Communism was not
dead, and certainly would return with force.
The philosopher Olavo de Carvalho was just one of
those rare.
I spent whole nights in Portugal reading the memoirs
of Sister Lucia (the seer of Fatima) and investigating, through the internet,
the other apparitions of Mary, elsewhere in the world, as one who seeks the
necessary clues to unravel the mystery. I came thus to Garabandal events, and
precisely those appearances that helped me understand the historical moment I
was experiencing as a Catholic and Brazilian man.
Why Our Lady had appeared to four girls in San
Sebastian de Garabandal?
Undoubtedly, she had come in order to alert the world
about the waywardness of mankind. In addition, the Mother of God mentioned an
Alert, a Miracle and Punishment. The first event will serve to awaken humans
and make them understand the seriousness of sin. The second event will lead
many people to conversion. If the
good results expected will not occur, and men
continue treading the path of perdition, certainly there will be a punishment.
Conchita González, one of the Spanish seers, secretly preserves the precise
date of the Miracle that will occur in Garabandal, and undertook to announce it
eight days before. We have enough time? That is the question! When these events
begin to unfold?
In an interview with Albrecht Weber, Conchita González
communism comes again everything will happen.”
“What do you
mean by comes again?”
“Yes, when it
newly comes again,” she replied.
“Does that
mean that communism will go away before that?”
“I don't know,” she said in reply, “the
Blessed Virgin simply said 'when communism comes again'.”
Exactly what people claimed to be impossible was
witnessed at that moment: the resurgence of communism in a continental region
(Latin America). A historical event that undoubtedly was anticipated by Our
Lady's messages, and that would cause natural and supernatural consequences.
Three years later, in 2013, living in Brazil again, I
watched how socialism intensified its power in the country, without
encountering any resistance from the authorities. Under the pontificate of
Benedict XVI, Catholicism suffered another scandal: the Vatileaks. Pope's
official documents were stolen and published, and as a traditional mystery
story, the responsibility fell on the butler. Again the Church found himself
facing an embarrassing situation. On February 11 of that year, surprising everyone,
Benedict XVI said in Latin that in seventeen days, he would renounce the throne
of St. Peter. His motivation was to retire to a life of prayer, fruitful for an
intellectual who decided to offer the last years of his life to studying and
writing. Many people suspected the authenticity of that waiver, assuming that
Benedict XVI had ceded to pressure from the Vatican liberal groups who wanted a
less conservative cardinal directing the Roman Curia. However, lacking major
supporting evidence, there was only believe the words of the Pope:
... knowing well the gravity of this act, with full
liberty, I declare that I renounce the ministry of the Bishop of Rome,
Successor of St. Peter...
Few circumstances in Christian history were as unique
as the act of resignation of a Pope. Only Ponciano, Celestino and Gregory XII
had abdicated before Benedict XVI. Also surprised by the decision of Joseph
Ratzinger, I evoked the apparitions of Our Lady. Could this historical
occurrence have been anticipated by the Mary messages? Almost automatically I
remembered the interview with Conchita Gonzalez on February 7, 1974:
Question: You have said
that the Miracle of Garabandal will coincide with a great event within the
Church. Did Our Lady tell you what that event will be, and can you add anything
to what you have already said about this matter?
Conchita: Yes, I know
what the event is. It is a singular event in the Church that happens very
rarely, and has never happened in my lifetime. It is not new or stupendous,
only rare, like a definition of a dogma — something like that in that it will
affect the entire Church. It will happen on the same day as the Miracle, but
not as a consequence of the Miracle, only coincidentally.
Benedict XVI's resignation would pave the way for the
realization of those events foretold by the Mother of God in Garabandal?
Certainly the fact itself entailed a number of unique circumstances: the
coexistence of two individuals carrying the papal title (one active and the
other away from functions); the participation of both in official ceremonies
the Vatican Curia; and even the possibility of a papal funeral officiated
exceptionally by a Pope. Singular situations really, but not extraordinary.
Only uncommon. Shortly witnessed in the history of the Catholic Church, and
that undoubtedly fell into the statement given by Conchita González in an
I felt that we were entering a period of turbulence.
The facts developed up quickly, and at that moment I believe few people
associated the Church of the crisis, the rise of communism in Latin America and
the apparitions of Our Lady at Garabandal. A day after the announcement of the
resignation of Ratzinger, while I was working, I had an unusual personal
experience. Through the window, I saw in the sky a strange cloud formation. I
like to contemplate the sky, of course, and I notice occasional formations;
however, that particular looked like a human face. His expression denoted the
terror, and his eyes were directed to the heights. This caught my attention.
That cloud were too enigmatic. It took two or three days so I completely
understand the meaning of that experience. In the same week that Pope Benedict
XVI surprised the whole world with his decision to abdicate, we watched a
meteor over Russia and leaving hundreds of people injured.
The protagonists of this plot natural and supernatural
were raised to the surface of events.
Another detail concerning Mary messages referring to
Russia. According to seers of Garabandal, certain crucial situation would mark
the beginning of those events (Warning, Miracle and Punishment), and this
situation consists precisely in this: the Pope would perform an official visit
to Russia. After this visit, when the Pope returned to Europe, communist
revolutions arise in various nations, followed by frightening violence in
Europe and also a very strong persecution directed to Christianity. Indeed, when
Pope Francis was elected (Argentine Cardinal Bergoglio), almost immediately
people imagine a diplomatic visit to Russia in response to a possible
invitation of Russian Patriarch or perhaps Vladimir Putin. But even before this
long-awaited trip, the first signs of violence have become finally visible in
the year 2014. In the Middle East, Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood,
Al Qaeda and the ISIS initiated an inexhaustible extermination of Christians in
Egypt , Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. As Maria announced, the Great
Tribulation assumed frightening proportions, and thus threatened to spread
rapidly by other continents.
There was, therefore, clear signs in heaven and on
In those months, I decided to enter the monastic life.
I pondered this possibility for some time and, at thirty-six years old, I
understood to be the time. I decided then join an existing community in
Itapecerica da Serra, and the entrance was set for September 2014. A few weeks
before departure, still at home, happened to me a dream: being within the
monastery, in a wing specific, I was attacked by an aggressor. He hit my head,
and I immediately collapsed. While the attacker continued hitting my head
violently, I began to continuously pray the prayer of Our Lady: Hail Mary, full
of grace ... I felt afraid because of the dream, but did not give up my goal: I
went to the monastery. Christ told us "do not be afraid," and I
accepted the advice. As soon as I got to the religious community, I tried to
talk to the priest responsible for vocations. I told him the dream, admitting
that might be influenced by those religious persecution that took place in the
Middle East. He also agreed.
Gradually, I tried to adapt myself to the monastic
routine without even belong to the community. For three months, applicants
lived with the monks without using habit nor commit to the votes. On 07
October, we were staying at the abbey of Benedictine monks in the neighborhood
of Morumbi (Sao Paulo). At that time, there were the first stirrings of the
Synod Family, convened by Pope Francis. Much has been talked about an effort by
certain circle of modernist cardinals in order to introduce the debate the
possibility of communion the second marriage couples and positioning something
subsided about the union between people of the same sex. Of course, the
newspapers treated it as an attempt to modernize the Catholic Church. A timely
aggiornamento, they said. At October 07, during the morning, postulants and
candidates gathered for study. We studied a text written by Pope Benedict XVI.
Certainly influenced by the news of the moment, some people made an apology of
the positions taken by the liberal group of cardinals. In short, it was
asserted that the Church could not keep up oblivious to social phenomena of our
times. If new family models became commonplace, to them it seemed appropriate
that the Roman Curia seek some pastoral adaptation. I believed to be obliged to
disagree. For the meaning of Christ's message was not to adapt to the
contingencies of the world and time. It was not Christ who should adapt to the
men, on the contrary, is that men should seek the likeness of Christ. If we
accept this transgression, we would be reversing the meaning of the Gospel. The
debate was heated, and it displeased me notice how the modernist rhetoric was
there quite entrenched.
On the same day, going to the cell 118 (John Paul II
had been staying in the next cell, during his visit to Brazil in the eighties),
I had another dream. As in the previous dream, I witnessed violence against
Christians, specifically an attack on the Benedictine community of Jundiaí,
whose members I knew well. One of the monks was shot in the head in that dream.
Earlier, in the same dream, I watched the image of a dead family, and I
concluded that this was a sign that the Synod did not follow the correct path.
Dreams may seem strange to many people, and the first conclusion that readers
usually get is that they are natural consequences of a fertile imagination or
only the memory of circumstances related to everyday life of the individual. A
dream can truly have that origin. But we also have to admit the possibility of
receiving secret information through them. This is absolutely biblical, and it
happened even with characters that did not enjoy even the promise of God. For
example, in the case of Pharaoh, whose precognitive dreams were interpreted by
Joseph. Well, later that same dream, I witnessed Catholic Church characterized
as a frivolous woman. On it rested a disgrace, and this event apparently left
her for dead. People who had also witnessed this situation went to the Mother,
insisting that this acknowledged the death of that child. But she ignored the
request. As I approached, I saw the dead church, but as it happened to him a
great miracle, she raised then. She walked with difficulty, really shattered,
and right now, addressing me, she said: "Everything will be broken,"
and I questioned, "When this will happen?", And she then replied:
"On 13 November."
On 07 October, when I had the dream mentioned, the Catholic
Church celebrates the feast dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. In all his
appearances around the world, the Blessed Virgin (Mother of God and Mother of
the Church) has urged all people to devote ourselves to the holy prayer of the
Rosary. With this form of prayer, we may fight against sin, against the advance
of communism and also prevent the attacks on Christianity.
We returned to Itapecerica da Serra, and I carried
with me a real anguish. It would be even appropriate to give credit to those
events? If I reveal everything to the community, which is that the monks would
think? If I silenced, what does God think? In the monastery garden, there is a
statue of Our Lady of the Rosary. Before that

image, I used to pray, asking her
to intercede constantly for my salvation. I went then to that image, and asked
her to show me a sign, something that would prove if I should expose the
message I received in a dream. Having gone to the room I occupied in the inn, I
heard a voice intimately telling me: "She's crying." It would be a
voiceover? Maybe. The truth is that I felt compelled to look again that image,
and by the time I returned to the place, the sun directly focused on it. I
could see in the face of the statue some brands like sweat and tears. Traces of
sweat on his forehead seemed darker, and the waste of tears seemed clearer.
Probably the image was already like this before, but I had not noticed because
the brightness was not exactly propitious. Immediately I took photographs, and
I understood it as a sign that I should give knowledge to other community
members. That was my decision.
I showed the pictures to the priest responsible for
the community Itapecerica da Serra, and then I referred to the 13th November:
the date revealed to me in that dream. We would have new presidential elections
in October, and I associated it to a revolutionary movement in Brazil. As Mary
warned in Garabandal, communism would return with absolute power, and that
warning was probably linked to the communist uprising. I admit that at that
moment I believed that all violence would take place on November 13, though
later I have stated that the most likely would be to believe that the date
meant the beginning of events. Certainly many situations were condensed in
dreams, and it was not really likely to happen all in one day only. Watching
the pictures of that image of Our Lady of the Rosary, the leader of the local
community disbelieved immediately the the miracle. He assured that the marks
were only dirt, and they would paint it briefly. This disappointed me. Perhaps
not even wise that priest give credit so quickly, however, the urgency with
which he tried to bury it, without even investigating the case, let me a bad
If I was right, I had with me information they
attributed to me great responsibility. I felt I should propagate, as urgently
as possible, the imminent character of events. Subsequently it succeeded yet
another heated debate in study hall, and I concluded that the doctrinal
differences between me and the community would arise constantly. I wanted,
thus, go away for a while with the prospect of being able to return in the
future to continue the vocational work. Having returned home, I put on the
story at my blog, Facebook and other
communication channels, offering the public a chance to see pictures taken at
the monastery. The disclosure of the facts displeased members of the monastic
congregation and a few weeks later there was a request that I withdraw any mention
that identify the community.
I accepted the requests, but kept the context. At that
time, the text published on the blog was called: Three Dreams About Attacks on
Church and Social Violence on 13 November. Dilma Rousseff was re-elected,
winning Aécio Neves in a very hard election. I had left the monastery at the
end of October, a few weeks before the 13th of November. I used the internet to
spread the story of those experiences, claiming that that date would mean the
trigger of a socialist revolution in Brazil. Few people paid attention. But on
November 13, a circumstance confirmed the suspicion. In response to
conservative marches took place in São Paulo at the beginning of November
(after the election), The Movement of Homeless Workers convened a march
precisely to the 13th of November. Hundreds of activists attended the event,
and at that time was distributed the following document:
Make Brazil A Great Cuba, that is the promise of the
revolutionary movement on 13 November. In the document, we read the following:
"All the reforms will only be possible with a
true socialist revolution ..." and we read also: "A revolution in
Brazil immediately put the huge Brazilian proletariat at the forefront of
continental revolution ..."
During all these events, I felt sincerely that the
devotion to Mary raged in me. However, this does not sufficiently answer
another nagging question: Why did God deigned to show me (a single person
devoid of means) what would be most convenient offer to another individual with
the greatest virtues or possibilities of action? Again the heart is filled with
grief. I was not being flippant or even proud? I would not be the victim of
some diabolical deception? I plunged into a state of deep concern, and at one
point even tried to censor me for giving credit to many phenomena. The
Garabandal seers also came to deny the reality of what happened in a given
circumstance, regaining its self-confidence later. Something similar happened
to me. I lost my spiritual tranquility when put in doubt the phenomena, and
only when the flame of faith has been rekindled, I had tranquility again.
Then the dreams continued. One of them showed me the
dark dimension of social violence that would befall our nation. The Revolution
was symbolized by a serpent of mythical dimensions. People hid in their homes
for fear, and because of the despair many of them decided by the suicide. In
the Catholic Church, it became more and more difficult the situation of
individuals traditionalists, and some were expelled from their premises. It
seemed a dip in a state of unprecedented social chaos. I took knowledge, in
those days, that in the thirties, Mary did special appearances in Brazil. First
on August 6, 1936, in Pernambuco, she appeared to two call girls Maria da Luz
and Maria da Conceição.
Our Lady gave
the warning:
My daughters,
come calamitous times for Brazil! So, tell all the people that are approaching
three major punishments, if you do a lot of penance and prayer.
A Catholic
priest at the request of a diocesan bishop, formulated questions that should be
presented to Our Lady:
Say who you
are and what you wish? - "I am the Mother of Grace and I come to warn
people approaching three major punishments".
What does the
blood of your hands? - "Represents the blood that will be spilled in
What is needed
to divert the punishment? - "Penance and prayer."
What reliance
on this appearance? - "Of Graces."
Which means
the blood that flows out of your hand? - "The blood that will flood
communism to penetrate the Brazil? - "Yes".
All over the
country? - "Yes".
Priests and
bishops will suffer a lot? - "Yes".
It will be
like in Spain? - "Almost".
What are the
devotions which should practice to ward off these evils? - "At the heart
of Jesus and mine."
Everything became clear. Our nation and our people
unfortunately are heading towards a communist revolution, as announced by Maria
in 1936 and as reaffirmed by it in Garabandal.
Another dream occurred in this period caused me
concern. Near the borders of Brazil, a foreign army (US probably) watched the
upsurge in violence in Brazil and hesitated between intervene directly or not.
In another dream, I saw modern military aircraft flying over the Brazilian
territory, and concluded, sadly, that the revolution certainly had turned into
a civil war, with the need for foreign interference. So, this was a war! This
would have some basis? Again, I would not be a victim of my own imagination?
From 11 to 13 June 2015, the Workers' Party organized
its 5th National Congress. In recent weeks, his correlegionários Theses issued
a notebook whose title more than suggestive is none other than precisely that
now follows that: A Party To Time of War. Here the thesis that will be defended
at this congress:
The forfeiture of Jair Bolsonaro (deputy) only have a chance of
success if there is intense
social pressure (p
Cancellation of Privatization! Do not Pay Debt!
Outside government capitalists! (158 pg)
Require publicly and
fight for the impeachment of the ministers of the Supreme Court who voted for the farce of the AP 470, the immediate release and cancellation of the award of the leaders of the PT. (160 pg)
Nationalize Globo, which is public concession and open
it for social movements! [...]
Nationalize all networks, TVs and radios RELIGIOUS,
Taxing large fortunes and create a new
All theses defended represent the advance of the
revolutionary movement in Brazil, and have been put in practice in other
socialist governments in Latin America. For example, in Venezuela of Chavez and
Maduro. Today we witness the emergence of a firm right-wing opposition taking
to the streets in greater numbers than the leftist demonstrations. On March 15,
2015, two million called for the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, and the request
has conquered political supporters as is the case of Senator Ronaldo Caiado
(Dem-GO). In this scenario of growing opposition, it is permissible to assume
that the Socialists choose the path of violence. For this, Lula has called the
"Stedile army," and we know information about the entry of Cuban and
Venezuelan military in Brazil in stealth mode. One of the ministers of
Venezuela, Elias Jaua Milano, signed a cooperation and training agreement
between his socialist government and the Landless Workers' Movement (MST). Then
we can clearly discern the letters arranged on the table: the Our Lady warnings
are close to becoming reality in Brazil.
It would be too reckless to guess the date of
Garabandal warning. We know, however, certain information about him. First, as
I said earlier, will be preceded by the visit of Pope (Francisco) to Russia and
following that, there will communist revolutions in various nations, social
violence in Europe and persecutions of the Church. But what the nature of the
warning? We have some information?
Here's what they say about the seer Warning:
As for the warning, early references dating from
January 1, 1965. On this day, Conchita was alone in the pines, when the Virgin
told him to give one last message to the world, which would end the cycle of
Garabandal. Then sent a particular message, which she promptly informed the
priest Laffineur. It says:
that the Virgin will give us is the way of punishment for bringing the good
closer to God and to warn others. What is the warning, I can not reveal. The
Virgin asked me to keep secret. May God that, by this Notice, the amended and
commit more sins against him. "
"It will
cause deaths?" - Asked him written Laffineur.
"If we
die" - was the answer, "not because of the warning itself, but by
emotion we have to see it and feel it."
words, clear and very accurate" - Laffineur said. "They should
suffice, as they should have been enough to Sister Lucia, Fatima, when, in
1938, wrote to his bishop:" I believe that what we call the aurora
borealis is just the signal that the Virgin gave me that the prophesied events
are coming. "Such events have made more than 26 million dead."
On the nature
of the Notice, we still have this explanation of his aunt Conchita Maximina,
which she later recorded in writing: "He told me that one day we would
suffer a horrible disaster. In all parts of the world. No one will escape. Good
for be closer to God, others, to make amends. It would be better to die than to
endure for five minutes to go, what to expect. "
its implementation will be a new source of credibility, announce it and reseat
it is all the more fraternal solicitude that we can have toward the
world," advises Father Laffineur.
"If I did
not know the punishment that is to come" - Conchita continues, explaining
to the young Angelita - "I would say that there is no punishment greater
than the warning. But it will last a very short time."
"It will
be horrible in its highest degree" - further explains. "Oh, if I
could tell it to you all as the Virgin told me to me! It is a fruit of our
sins. Can be produced from one moment to another, I hope you all day. If they
knew what is, would be horrified. "
"Why not
make it public to know that all who come here?" - Asks someone.
tired of saying, if nobody does."
Days later,
back to the point:
since I made these confessions, I often think in heaven."
too" - answers the seer. "Especially when I go to bed. I'm afraid
that happens overnight. We do not realize the extent to which offend the Lord.
The Virgin told me that everyone knows of the existence of hell and heaven. But
think it only out of fear rather than love of God. On account of our sins, we
ourselves because of the nature of the notice. "
explanations found in the responses to a questionnaire of 14 September 1965:
"The Warning
is something that comes directly from God. It will be visible worldwide,
regardless of where someone is located. It will be like the revelation (inside
each one) of our sins. Seeing it and will feel both believers and nonbelievers
of all countries. " And more: "It's like a purification for the
Miracle. It's like a catastrophe. It will cause us to think in the dead, that
is, we prefer to be dead to suffer the Avis".
When the
effects on the heart of each one, Conchita said: "The correction notice
will be an awareness of the world ... The Lord will send it to purify us, so we
can better appreciate the miracle by which he proved to us clearly or am his.
One lady,
after hearing the explanations of Conchita remarked:
"We know
that is approaching the Earth a comet. Is not this Notice?"
"I do not
know what a comet. But if it is something that depends on the will of men, no.
If, however, depends on God, is possible."
"We went
towards the church" - goes the lady - and Conchita took me by the
arm."I said to him:"
pray for me, I'm afraid, very afraid."
"Yes, the
warning is terrible! Thousand times worse than earthquakes."
You pales.
"What is
the nature of the warning?" - Question.
"It will
be like fire. Do not burn our flesh, but the feel in body and spirit. All
nations and all people will feel the same way. No one will escape. And even
unbelievers know the fear of God. Even if you goals at home and close the door
and shutters, not escape, you'll feel and see, though. Yes, it is true that the
Virgin told me the name of the phenomenon. This name appears in the dictionary.
begins with A. But asked me not to reveal. "
Conchita, I'm
so scared!
Smiling, she
took her friend by the arm:
"Yes, but
after the warning, you will love God more."
complementary aspect of the statements is provided by Conchita Jacinta, in
February 1976: "The Warning is of very short duration, a few minutes, but
this soon will become tremendously long, the pain we cause ... come upon us
like a fire from heaven, that will resonate deeply within each one. In this
light we see very clearly the state of our consciousness, we'll see what God
means to lose, feel the purifying action of a flame burning. In short, is like going
through the court still in private life, the intimacy of each one. "
I confess that I also had some repeated dreams about
the horrible fall of an asteroid. In these dreams, I do not see the spiritual
effects reported by the Garabandal visionaries. Only what I witness is the
expectation of all individuals, the route that asteroid heading toward the
ocean and a specific date that is symbolically expressed in all dream
experiences: December 18. On that date we celebrate Our Lady and the
expectation of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are close to the Son of God Nativity!
Perhaps these dreams are connected to Warning. I do not assert peremptorily in
this moment. Regarding the year, I believe not be as incorrect as well assign
higher probabilities to 2018.
If I am mistaken with regard to all these
forecasts referred to above, may God have mercy, and Mary Immaculate
continually intercede for all of us.